
Your generosity goes a long way. We are a 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization and your in kind gifts are tax exempt.

Buy One, Give One

Your purchase of the Crafting Dreamers book provides a free copy to a deserving child, creating impact locally & globally.


If you are not able to give monetarily, that's okay! Share our mission & lett your friends and family know about us.

Write Your Story

If our story has inspired you, we know your story can also uplift the world. Our book ends with a template where you can write yours.

buy a Book Now!

Our website is currently being redesigned to support e-commerce to allow you to purchase here directly. In the meantime click the button below to order via 
Wednesday,  November 16

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1017 Main Campus Dr.

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Our Process


Each country that is written about is researched to find engaging facts to include within each story.


Each story is fictional but is written in a realistic aspect, allowing young readers to peak into what could be a day in the life of the character.


The character's physical appearance is also ficticious but similarly based on research from the country of origin.


Crafting Dreamers: New Moon Luna Nueva was self-published in November 2020 & is currently under review by a few traditional publishing houses.


Three versions of the book are available to purchase on Amazon; Crafting Dreamers: New Moon Luna Nueva Bilingual, English Only and Spanish Only.


As copies of the books are sold, an equal about of books are collected to be given to local schools and organizations.


We have already given away 50 copies of the book and are working on completing the next batch of 50 to donate our FIRST 100 BOOKS!


With your support we will continue this process so that young readers will be able to see themselves & all peoples represented in literature.